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A Little Lift

Honestly, I have been really struggling lately and I know that I'm not the only one. We are all going through such a rough time with everything that is going on and it can get hard. I have always been an advocate for mental health because I struggle with a mental illness. I take my medication everyday and I find little things to be difficult, even getting out of bed sometimes. But I push myself as much as I can and I can be really hard on myself. Sometimes i don't think that I'm pretty or thin enough or that I'm just not good at anything. But we can't do that to ourselves and let that little voice in your head take over. We must fight it.

It is dark and cold outside, we are locking ourselves away and we are going to suffer as a result. Take a deep breath and look at yourself in the mirror. We will get through this, we are strong and capable, we are smart and beautiful, and we are trying our best. We will not give up.

Positive affirmation is the key right now. If you haven't watched or read The Secret, I suggest you do. The most successful people in the world are using this in order to build themselves up, while we continuously tear ourselves down. Why do we constantly do that? Because we see someone who we think are better than us, but we are all struggling.

Sometimes we look around and there is no one in our cheering section and we feel like we're alone, but we aren't. pick yourself up and believe in yourself. How do you expect anyone else to if you can't even do it for yourself? We are all worthy and strong. We will get through this and succeed. i believe in you. Believe in yourself.

I'm not saying all this to preach because I'm not perfect and I'm struggling too. I need to hear this just as much as we all do. Let's support each other and follow our dreams. A while ago I decided what I wanted in life and I went for it, it has been a long journey and I have stumbled many times along the way. i am still trying to push myself and I still fail, but I try to move forward and that is enough for now. We can't give up and we must always press on, even if it's a crawl. God loves you and He doesn't make mistakes.


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