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Looking Out For My Best Interests

I've been going through a rough time lately. I mentioned that I had a mental illness and I do. I've had to up my meds and it caused me to become too drowsy, so I haven't been writing. It's been a long road for me lately, also with the dark skies, but now the snow is, finally, melting and I see the sun. it gives me hope. I am from British Columbia, Canada and we are also starting to be able to lower restrictions and I can start going out more. it is so nice. I went with my husband, mother and daughter to a thrift store and stopped for lunch, it was so much fun as the sun was shining. I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I had stopped doing so many of the activities I love, as is depression, but now I am feeling rejuvenated. I don't normally plan what I write and I found that I wrote myself into a corner on many of my projects. I have no plan on where to go from where I currently sit and I am waiting on inspiration. Maybe I will be inspired or maybe I just have to stare at the screen for a while. lol.

I write a lot about my faith and I believe that there is a reason for everything, even this. I believe that God wants me to write his words into a fantastical story for you all to read and I will continue to do that, but I need to figure some things out. maybe I am losing touch with myself and Him. I don't know. But every night I pray and ask for answers, so that I can follow what He wants from me.

I know that a lot of people fear the idea of God and that can be difficult, so I do not preach, I just know that He is out there. Even when the world tells me He isn't or tries to scare me to fear Him. I believe that He is loving and He cares. That's all that I need to know. He will guide me and show me the way. Everyone take care of yourselves and allow the light to shine through.


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