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I just did a questionnaire and I thought that it brought up some things that some of you might not know about me. so, I decided to post it here so you could all get to understand me better. My name is Amanda, but my pen name is Mandi Mae. I mostly write YA fantasy, but I also write, thriller, children's and Christmas novellas. I am from a small town in British Columbia, Canada and I love spending time with my family, watching movies, reading and learning new things.

When did your love of books begin?

I learned to read really quickly but the first book that really touched me was Sadako and the Thousand Papers Cranes. I read it when I was about nine and all I could think was what it would be like to write such an amazing story.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

Originally I wanted to be a screenwriter. I thought that novel writing was above me. I wrote my first couple, what would become books, as screenplays. After reading Harry potter and wanted to delve into writing a novel so i transferred the screenplay of The Sleeping Magician into a book and I got hooked. The rest is history.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I looked up to writers and put them on a pedestal because I thought that they were so great to do what they did. I never thought that I could be capable. Now I only write novels and I love it. I never consider myself a novelist but a storyteller. The hardest part, I find, is selling myself as an author and building my following.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

I think that a lot of people are afraid to write that first line. They think that everything has to be perfect right from the get go, but that's not true. You just need to put pen to paper and write. You can always change it later.

Tell us about your book/books:

My first book I wrote was The Sleeping Magician and because of it, it is my favourite. It's got magic, witches, angels and romance. Most of my YA Fantasy have witches as I love writing about them. I've written fairytale remakes, dragons, mythology but mostly I write about God's love. I take a fantasy setting and mix it in with good versus evil and how to overcome the darkness. Most of my characters are non believers that go on a journey of self discovery all while battling magical creatures and such.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Most writers are also avid readers and we like to read in our genre. I think that is great as I've read many indie authors myself and I find lots of them to be hidden gems in the writing world. We all are able to support each other doing what we love but seeing others work and appreciated all the hard work that they too have put into it.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you to everyone who has supported me through everything. I have put so much effort into what i love and there's nothing better then knowing that someone else can appreciate your hard work.

Where can people connect with you?

I am on twitter at @piccoloamanda, instagram at mandimaeauthor, facebook at mandimaeauthor and I have a website at where you can sign up for the newsletter and read my blog.


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