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Catching Up

I, finally, got the new picture for the book Carnaval Du Lune. Apparently i forgot to publish it. LOL. Took me long enough to figure that one out. Anyway, the new cover is up and i got ads posted on fb. I'm about to post one on my Instagram and, hopefully, everyone likes it. i wasn't sure where to put it in my genre's since it isn't a typical fantasy novel. It is a little like general fiction, but because there is a mermaid and a unicorn I thought fantasy. Though, if you read, i do explain how they became like that.

I am still working on some of my thrillers which I will post to my horror section. I will make it Horror/Thriller once I start publishing more books. I added Welcome! to it, thinking that it was in picture books but it was in Children's which it shouldn't have been since it is a bit scary. it's more of a fun book for all ages, especially for Halloween.

I am stalled on Thirteenth Child. For those of you who read my newsletter I did post the first two chapters and, as was pointed out after, I realised that it was in present tense. I apologise for that since it will be published in past. I write in present and then change it during editing but I only quickly edited it before sharing because I was so excited.

For next months newsletter i will share some of my novel Music Box for you. it is a thriller and I am working had on it. it has grown so much from my original idea that it is amazing, but I hope everyone likes it. it will have two parts, each one in a different characters point of view. It is about a haunted house, but it is so much more than that, as are all my stories. it is a love story with a twist.

Today i will search for a cover photo of a music box, hopefully i can find a good one. I can't think of what else would look good. I will also switch all of Thirteenth Child to past tense and, hopefully, write some more of it. Well, that's what I'm up to so i hope, in the mean time, you check out some of my books. I have put them all as low priced as they can go for a reason because I want people to be able to afford to read them. All my books have, also, been added to Kindle Unlimited. So enjoy :)


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