My First Thriller
I am excited to announce that I just published my first thriller novel of three. It isn't a series, for those wondering, but three separate stand alone novels. I will be posting the first chapter, or so, of Music Box in my February Newsletter. There is still time to sign up. My second book is almost finished, I just have a special cover that is being worked on and I have a beta reader reading it to give me some help. The third one is at a standstill, but I'm hoping to work on it some more.
I am going back to school for the next couple months so that will take up some of my time, but I am trying to write every day. I have two more YA Fantasy's I am working on and a book in the planning stages.
It is so freeing to be able to write and put them out there instead of holding onto them hoping that they will grow and become better. I have learned a lot about letting go and not relying on other people. The problem with being a writer is that not a lot of people care about what I'm doing. I put my heart and soul into my writing and it seems like no one cares, but I'm pushing on because I want to. Writing is for me, not from anyone else. I need to be happy. it took a long time for me to realise this and I am proud of my growth.